How  I  Operate

About Therapy

Sometimes we get stuck feeling bad about ourselves, experience shame, or become aware of secrets that have existed in our lives or families. Together we can listen to the story of your life and learn how to best address your current struggle while revealing its source. Our therapeutic interactions may remind you of dynamics familiar to your family, friendships and relationships in general. As you are reminded of these experiences in the present, we will strive to rewrite the ways you carry yourself into the future. 

I believe we are created for deep and profound relationship, and that we are formed in and through relationships. It is in these relationships that our deepest satisfaction, as well as the most intense pain, reside. Therapy is a relationship where we function together to understand you, the client. 

My therapeutic approach is rooted in relational psychotherapy and attachment theory perspectives. This means I am focused on how your internal world has been shaped by early relational attachments, as well as how they presently impact your relationships and broader life experience. I am also interested in the ways our bodies, specifically in motion and relationship to nature, affect our mental well-being.

I operate with professional integrity. In our sessions, expect that I will listen in a nonjudgmental and confidential manner as I make every effort to understand and seek ways to come alongside you as an advocate for your health and well-being.

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